Less sugars and refined carbohydrates

You may not have heard of refined carbohydrates, but you’ve probably heard of all kinds of fast food and sodas with incredible amounts of sugar (read the calories). They contain refined carbohydrates, otherwise known as “processed carbohydrates”, “simple carbohydrates” or “bad carbohydrates”. They differ from complex carbohydrates in that refined carbohydrates are refined and contain almost no fiber, nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Based on this, they are considered “empty” calories. Waste from their cleaning is needed by the body for better assimilation of food. Therefore, it turns out that this is not a complete meal, but a caloric mass. It includes such processed foods as: rice, semolina, refined oil, sugar, flour or bread. Refined products also include alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, sweets and chips.

It is worth replacing these products with natural or unprocessed analogues, because there are no refined carbohydrates in nature.

Sugar has natural and artificial substitutes. Extremes do not contain calories and are excreted from the body in full. Whereas vegetable ones have different caloric content, and their breakdown, unlike sugar, is much slower, which is important for diabetics. Sometimes, of course, you can eat a bun and pastry.Refined oil. It is recommended to choose olive, corn or other cold-pressed oils.It is better to replace white bread with gray and black rye or coarsely ground and whole grain bread.Rice can be bought unpolished. However, consume little when dieting.


It all depends on the weight loss regime. If the regime is strict, then there are almost no snacks, mostly with water. At the expense of water: it is better to drink it half an hour before a meal or at least an hour (and preferably two) after a meal.

In normal mode, you should feel a slight hunger in your stomach. This is the key to losing weight without difficulty. If the feeling of hunger increases, then vegetables, fruits and nuts and edible seeds can come into play. It is very good to calculate so that you fall asleep with a slight hunger. Then during sleep, the body will use the body’s reserves to restore strength and in the morning you will have a pleasant surprise on the scales;)