Losing weight can be easier than you think!

Below are the basic rules that will help you lose excess weight without exhausting diets.

Eat slowly

This is the most important rule! Moreover, both from the physical and spiritual side.

From the physical side. Many people, especially those who are very hungry, eat quickly, as if this will make them full faster. This will only make them stretch their stomachs. After all, the “stop tap” in this case is only a full stomach, which gives a deceptive feeling of satiety. The slower you consume food, the sooner the satiety process will begin. This way, you will eat a smaller portion. The whole point is to quickly saturate the blood with nutrients. For example, complex carbohydrates, under the influence of saliva, begin to break down into simpler ones, in particular, into starch, which is already absorbed in the oral cavity. For humans, starch is the main source of carbohydrates. Under the action of enzymes, starch turns into glucose and releases energy, which is necessary for the functioning of the body. It belongs to complex carbohydrates and in the process of assimilation of food it is broken down into glucose – the main source of energy for all our cells. Among other things, well-chewed food is better absorbed and keeps the digestive tract in a healthy state. Chopped food moves better through the digestive tract. All this contributes to faster and more complete digestion, absorption, assimilation of food.

You should enjoy your food, and enjoying it longer is better!) For those who initially find it difficult to eat slowly, recommended Chinese chopsticks instead of forks and spoons:) In addition, chopsticks will allow you to concentrate on food and eat consciously, as a result of which the body is easier will digest and absorb food. For those who cannot immediately overcome the habit of eating quickly, the advice would be to eat and talk, for example, in the family circle or to distract yourself for a while, in the intervals between consumption. You can distract yourself with the view from the window, TV or phone.

From the spiritual side. Food is one of the main tests for the soul and the weaknesses of the mind (see Weaknesses). It is not for nothing that we are now at the level of people. This means a soul that has evolved from the animal world to the human world. Gluttony brings you down to the animal level again. Weakness to food and procreation in animals are the first two of the three basic instincts along with survival. You must pass this test to be different from them. We are what we eat, and if we eat animals, even more so! Eating meat is also a human weakness and another test for a bright soul. People who are weak to food are often not very developed. The exception is people who eat stress. But both cases are united by the need for spiritual growth. Harmonization will open a channel of spiritual energy, with which you will not need a lot of food.

Reducing the volume of the stomach

Do not fill your entire stomach with food until you give up. You need to leave a little free space on top. This will make it possible not to overeat and avoid distending the stomach every time. Our goal, on the contrary, is to reduce the volume of the stomach every time, by a fraction. It will be a useful habit to add a portion of vegetable salad to every second meal in the summer or preserve it in the winter. In this way, you will eat less caloric food, instead more healthy and for the digestive system of vegetables.