Conventional transport with an internal combustion engine (ICE) is harmful to the environment. The most harmful ICE are diesel and, to a lesser extent, gasoline. Not so harmful, but more expensive are hybrid cars, where the operation of the internal combustion engine alternates with the electric motor. Gas cars will be less expensive. But an electric car is completely friendly to nature. It is expensive, but it will pay off over time.

Cars are also harmful to people’s health due to the highest risk of accidents among vehicles and inactivity. If there is no need to transport families, several people, and the weather is suitable, then it is more appropriate to go, for example, by bicycle. It will be economical and useful. During such mobility, endorphins are produced – probably the most famous hormone of happiness and satisfaction!

Деяким людям їздити велосипедом чи самокатом не дає гординя. Так само їхні низькорозвинені душі не проходять випробування швидкістю. Нею вони задовольняють власну гординю, незважаючи на наслідки. Їм все одно на інших учасників рухів, дітей та тварин, які через них можуть постраждати чи загинути!