Nowhere is as good as at home. Especially after hard work. And finally, after completing the mission, the soul can truly rest. We are created in the image of our Parents – God and Goddess. So is earthly life, similar to ours. At home, we can mentally create the home of our dreams, a blooming garden with a pond, change the time of day or the weather. Everything depends on the level of development of the soul. However, I will deliberately not go into a detailed description of the House. It is not for nothing that God erases memory. Moreover, no one has the right to violate this law, for obvious reasons. The main reason is the longing of the soul for Home, especially during the period of desolation (see Desolation). To avoid the irreparable, the messengers of light are reluctant to describe our House. Therefore, the purpose of the paragraph was to encourage spiritual development 😉

Instead, it is better to describe our beautiful Creators. God and Goddess are our Father and Mother respectively. The Father conceived life, and the Mother created it. God is logic and wisdom. Mother creativity and supervision of all living things, and help to us – her Children. Everything in the world is created in pairs. Even the human brain is divided into left (intelligence) and right (creativity) hemispheres.

In difficult times, you can turn to the Mother and ask for help in a specific situation or even a relaxation of the chosen plan. But apply in extreme cases, because you will do a “disservice” to yourself. Thus, you risk not working out the whole plan, which in turn will lead to tension in the plan of the next life. Therefore, try to cope with life on your own in order to meet its deadline. When it becomes difficult, you should pray to the Father. Prayer to parents: “I am grateful for difficult lessons and proud of the opportunity given by Father and Mother to grow spiritually.”

Hard lessons make souls wiser and the spirit harder. In the end, we will be reunited with our Parents. This will happen when the Children grow up and attain the wisdom and love of their Creators.