Health status

Sounds weird, doesn’t it? But this option is included in their plan by highly developed souls as aggravating factors. They are like shackles with heavy weights. Remember how athletes train. To achieve a better result, they use the same weights. There is no point in living such an extreme life – we always want to develop and move forward. This is called evolution.

Ill health and mutilation are also included in the plan of the dark ones to stimulate their early awakening and return to God.

Parents and friends

We have a circle of friends at home. We are united by common interests and level of development. We work together to improve our work, share knowledge and think about how to help lagging and lost souls. When developing a plan, we can agree on a joint family and mission. This will result in a better outcome for everyone. However, if you are strong in spirit, then sometimes, to make the mission more difficult, you will probably go it alone. If you feel different from your relatives, you have no friends, you have the impression that the whole world is against you – congratulations:), so you are the same brave people!

It happens that such a soul deviates from the intended plan. Due to the difficulty of the single mission, due to the overestimation of one’s own strength and the heavy burden included in the plan. But in the heavenly office, we carefully prepare for work for a reason! In the plan, plan B is written with an asterisk and small print. That is, at the right moment, in our life, as if out of nowhere, our friendly soul appears. In exceptional cases, we meet our soul mate! How to distinguish them? A friendly soul will help you get on track with your mission or remind you of the methods a highly developed soul should use. A soul mate is your mirror. You understand half a word, and sometimes even without it – telepathically)