Earth is our place of work. You don’t litter and pollute your workplace. In general, most people are selfish. They are only concerned about their well-being and comfort. At what price it is given, they have no idea or simply do not bother. It is difficult for them, but rather for their unconscious soul.

Plastic mass or plastic is one of the biggest environmental pollutants. In everyday life, two main plastic materials can be distinguished: bottles, and all types of packages (t-shirts, packaging, films). And if containers for collecting bottles are no longer a rarity, then bags are just a rarity. But this is not a problem for the conscious soul. Packages can be reused.

Just imagine: if each person reuses one bag, they will reduce their own pollution of the planet by half. The more times you reuse it, the more you reduce waste. Inspiring, isn’t it? So start today! Trust me, you’ll feel good about taking care of the planet and realizing that you’re getting spiritual points for your portfolio right now 😉

A supplier of clean bags is, for example, a package of sliced ​​bread. In general, it is better to switch to eco-packages. Ideally, paper and starch. When strength is needed and moisture is present, biodegradable polyactide bags can be used (degradation process in the soil within two weeks). They are followed by oxo-biopacks with additives that significantly accelerate decomposition (the process of decomposition in the soil from 1 to 3 years, depending on environmental conditions).

Bio-packages have a higher price, but not as much as the health of the planet and ours! In addition, their repeated use makes the price negligible 🙂