Before the very incarnation, we are blocked from accessing the memory. This is done so that the echoes of past missions do not interfere with the current one. There should be complete concentration on the execution of the mission.

Knowing who we are and why we came to this “school of life” – everything would be too easy… It would look like school cheat sheets: they will help pass the lesson, and the student himself will learn only part of the knowledge of the topic. It looks like a “disservice”, which will eventually cause damage already during work. It is also logical that remembering where we lived, with whom and what we experienced, we would want to return to those places and those people. Thus, current and past missions would be intertwined, resulting in low mission efficiency. Not only that, it would lead to anecdotal situations: some material minds, who were already stuck in the abyss of the Earth’s material values, would return to the place of their belongings and claim that this is all their property:)

It is should be noted that we are not left, as you might think, alone in this stormy world. In addition to memory, the soul has a spiritual connection with God. Similar to the umbilical cord. We call it intuition. Besides, we remain individual sparks of God. Our character traits and level of development do not depend on memory!

Memory shutdown still has one “side effect”… but, let’s face it, even the best drugs have it:) However, it’s more of a spiritual selection. This effect is visible on people with a low level of soul development: gray and dark. Due to the fact that they do not return Home (see Light and Dark), they completely forget about God and, as a result, about love and missions. Our main mission is to remind them who they are, where they come from and what they live for.