With the passage of time and under the influence of circumstances, some sparks began to shine brighter and brighter, and others – more and more dim… Unfortunately or fortunately? It may seem unfortunate, but not everything is so clear-cut.

Unfortunately, and fortunately! God designed everything for evolution. Without the dark, there will be no development of the light and vice versa. The world is dual. Yin and Yang are one of the main categories of Chinese philosophy, primarily Taoism (by the way, literally “dark” and “light”).

Therefore, we cannot do one without the other;) On the one hand, we enlighten the dark ones and convert them to the Home. Since their punishment is a ban on returning Home, after death they are reborn again. This will happen until they start to change. This is where the concept of “hell on Earth” came from. And indeed, there is no need for hell with dark souls in people!

On the other hand, they are our “road cones” for learning, if compared to driving courses. With this in mind, we should not be angry with the dark ones. Instead, we should understand and pity them. These are lost souls who have a hard time if they did not show that they are fine here without their parents – God and Goddess. But it’s good until you run out of money, alcohol or drugs that help you forget and at least fill a little spiritual emptiness.