Земля – це наше місце роботи. Ви ж не смітите та не забруднюєте своє місце роботи. Взвгалі, більшість людей – егоїсти. Їх турбує лише їхній добробут та комфорт. Якою ціною це дається, вони й гадки не мають або просто не заморочуються. Це для них складно, а вірніше, для їхньої не свідомої душі.

Drinking water on the planet is becoming less and less every year. Chemicals are one of the main sources of pollution of the hydrosphere. Chemicals, in particular, make rivers and seas bloom. Blooms or cyanobacteria reduce the oxygen level in the water, which of course kills the fish. Even this does not encourage people to think about reducing the use of household chemicals. The main thing for such people is to shine and smell, at the cost of other lives and the lack of drinking water for their own children and grandchildren. By the way, for the ignorant: The share of fresh water on Earth is only 2.5-3%. Despite the fact that 85% of fresh water is frozen in glaciers. In a word, they guess where they drink from. Like some well-known domestic animals)

But here’s the thing, selfish people: if you don’t care about the lives of lesser beings, don’t expect God and Goddess to care about you!

Household chemicals that contain phosphates, chlorine, chemical flavors, preservatives, dyes, chemical surfactants should be replaced with ecological solutions. And if previously conscious people only had ready-made kitchen ingredients in the form of salt, soda, mustard, vinegar, citric acid, now there are ready-made solutions where all this is combined with new ingredients that are not available in everyday life. They contain natural components of vegetable and mineral origin, and the rest is biodegradable. With them, you will even forget what dryness and irritation are like – you can use them without gloves.

Environmentally friendly household products may be more expensive than chemical ones, but for an evolved soul, there is no such thing as high cost when it comes to collective health and planet pollution!

TSN. Very sick and needs an immediate change of lifestyle: scientists compared the Earth with a person